1. The thinking of the early Greek philosophers was based on development of a logical and descriptive language. This, with the addition of mathematical formulae to handle time and space, was entirely adequate to handle the perceptions of the five senses.
2. It also formed some basis for the observation of human behavior, but this terminology was never able to be developed to completion. With the arrival of Christian forms of spirituality, experiencible changes began to occur within individuals, and this process must have been transmissible and describable between individuals who began to perceive it.
3. The earliest European Churches came into being in what - around two centuries later - became the Eastern Roman Empire, which was then stabilized by the Emperor Constantine. Members of that Church wrote a large number of books, and their most notable sermons were recorded, but what they say is difficult to analyze intellectually.
4. Here, my first paragraph should be clear enough, but it refers to writings which cannot be understood in the same simple way. It will only be grasped properly not by analytical thought, but only by recognition of described experiences.
5. They spoke and wrote in the Greek of the time, but in their religion they often had to use special words, or to give special technical meanings to ordinary words. Thus a special 'jargon' was developed b the Early Fathers of that Church to describe their inner experiences.
6. This distinguished between sensory knowledge, with which the individual is unable to describe what is occurring within him or her except in a limited manner, and recognition knowledge, whose range extends as far as the individual's self-awareness.
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