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A substantial volume containing the distillation of more than fourteen years of research into traditional sources of the Royal Way, a Christian spiritual discipline little known to the Western world. Paperback 6"x9", 300+ pages.
A substantial volume containing the distillation of more than fourteen years of research into traditional sources of the Royal Way, a Christian spiritual discipline little known to the Western world. PDF Download.
Robin Amis' latest book, Views From Mount Athos, is a 'travel book' - but his is a many-layered journey - spiritual, philosophical, and psychological as much as physical, containing the record of his pilgrimages to Mount Athos in search of forgotten Christian knowledge of man among the monks of Mt. Athos, the Holy Mountain of Northern Greece. PDF Download.
Volume I of Boris Mouravieff's 3-Volume study, in contemporary terms, of the ancient Christian spiritual tradition that illuminates the relation of the Fourth Way to the inner spiritual doctrines of the early church. PDF Download.
Volume II of Boris Mouravieff's 3-Volume study, in contemporary terms, of the ancient Christian spiritual tradition that illuminates the relation of the Fourth Way to the inner spiritual doctrines of the early church. PDF Download.
Volume III of Boris Mouravieff's 3-Volume study, in contemporary terms, of the ancient Christian spiritual tradition that illuminates the relation of the Fourth Way to the inner spiritual doctrines of the early church.
Life and teachings of Saint Theophan the Recluse - 1815 - 1894, the great Russian starets or spiritual elder of his century, a bishop and then a hermit who lived totally alone but taught thousands throughout 'Holy Russia' and beyond, giving perceptive and detailed spiritual advice by means of a voluminous correspondence. PDF Download.
Saint Theophan the Recluse - Four sermons on personal prayer. PDF Download.
A precursor for a major work.
This article first appeared in 1958 in Syntheses, a major multilingual European journal of political science that is still published today. In it, Boris Mouravieff, a historian at Geneva University who was also a teacher of Inner Christianity, presents one of two remarkable studies of the evolutionary crisis of 20th century Western Civilization in terms of the ancient Christian Esoteric Tradition that, as he says elsewhere as well as here, has kept itself alive to the present time hidden within the Eastern Church.
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